Emily Gayed, a senior at Fraser High School
High school is that time in someone’s life when they develop a sense of self. Teachers, or any adult figures, are supposed to guide the younger generation and encourage hobbies and personal choices. Whether someone wants to wear a pink shirt, or a blue hat; whether someone likes sports or art, it shouldn’t matter. Peers should uplift each other, and students shouldn’t be embarrassed to be who they want to be.
However, the world is not fair and high school doesn’t encourage individuality like it thinks it does. “Fraser High school has been known for only liking and allowing a certain image despite their circumstances. While they like to depict the culture of the school as inclusive, the students, at least from what I’ve viewed, are not entirely, and thus don’t reflect the diversity or individuality of attending students,” said Emily Gayed, a Fraser High School student.
It is not only Fraser High School that tries to encourage diversity. Schools often force this idea that students who are ethnic, disabled, queer, or different than the “average” student are just as taken care of as other students. But if that was the case,it wouldn’t be these certain individuals that become targeted the most.
“I am nervous to wear what I want. But whether I feel supported depends on what environment I’m in. Depending on the crowd and class, it could go either way. Everyone has their own opinion on life styles. Lack of diversity in clothing choices can be due to the fault of the dress code. By what’s allowed and our current fashion culture; pajamas, shirts, and sweats are top choices. This leaves the students who dress nicer, and express themselves as a stand out among peers, which leaves a social divide,” said Gayed, when asked if she felt supported by her peers.
It can be hard for students to express themselves, or share their interests, because of the fear of backlash from peers. The reason bullying is most common in high school is because this is the fragile time period where teenagers try to find a sense of self. In an effort to understand themselves, they also want others to like them. When someone sticks out, and others pick on them, it is too easy to join in.
Often, when students seek help, it only makes the bullying worse, or the offenders don’t face much repercussion. Fraser promotes itself as a school that doesn’t tolerate bullying, but that doesn’t mean students, like Gayed, don’t suffer from some kind of bullying or ridicule.
It is not entirely the fault of Fraser, for letting bullies go unchecked. Students are fearful to seek help, which leaves school officials with no way to interfere, and sometimes, it turns into a “he said, she said” situation, and then the school doesn’t have enough evidence to take action.
Thankfully, there are some ways school could reduce these instances. For one, Fraser could start looking for early warning signs in young children. By identifying these early signs, adult figures can step up and help the child. Another way is to focus more on social and emotional learning in younger grades, and build a community that has a closer relationship by promoting unity.
Bullying will always be an issue. There will be kids who never tell, and their bullies will fly under the radar, growing up to become mean bosses or teach their kids those same behaviors. It is unfortunate, but it is just the way of life. The least schools could do is attempt to lessen these occurrences by spotting it before it begins.