Over the Garden Wall is a Cartoon Network animated miniseries by Patrick McHale that aired for 10 episodes starting November 4th, 2014. Over the Garden Wall was a major success, earning an 8.8/10 on IMDB and winning 2 Emmys and 4 miscellaneous rewards, being nominated for 9 in total.
The story portrays two brothers, Wirt and Greg, who become stuck in a mysterious woodland called “The Unknown.” Accompanied by a talking bluebird named Beatrice, the brothers try to find their way back home while avoiding the main antagonist of the series, The Beast. Many episodes are based on old fairytales, with references to the religious epic of Dante’s Inferno and the Nine Circle of Hell sprinkled throughout.
Over the Garden Wall, with its spooky themes and jaw-dropping visuals, is a perfect Autumn watch, and it’s become a tradition for people all over the world to enjoy the series during this time of year.
Information pulled from IMDB and https://over-the-garden-wall.fandom.com/wiki/Over_the_Garden_Wall