Newsies! Fraser’s Upcoming Theatrical Production

Gabby Tonn, Flash Staff Reporter

Extras! Extras! Read All About It!

“It’s going to be the best show since Phantom!” Calvin Custance said of the upcoming spring musical Newsies premiering on February 9th in the Fraser Auditorium.

The cast and crew are excited and proud of the hard work that has gone into this year’s spring musical.

“Set in turn-of-the-century New York City, Newsies is the rousing tale of Jack Kelly- played by Calvin Custance a charismatic newsboy, and leader of a band of teenaged “newsies,” director Mr. Charland, said. “When titans of publishing raise distribution prices at the newsboys’ expense, Jack rallies newsies from across the city to strike against the unfair conditions and fight for what’s right.” 

A tremendous amount of work goes into producing Newsies- with the cast beginning rehearsals in October and rehearsals running five to six days a week in January and February. Moreover, over 80 students are involved- on stage and below!

With rousing theatrical numbers and nonstop thrills, Newsies is a hit for all ages. Come see it on Thursday, February 9th at 7 pm; Friday, February 10th at 7 pm; or Saturday, February 11th at 1 pm.

Tickets go on sale Friday, January 20th at noon and are $15 for adults, $10 for senior citizens, & $8 for students.

To buy tickets visit