FRASER Students Recognized at Macomb Career & Technical Education Administrators Association Awards Ceremony.
February 2, 2022
FRASER Students Recognized at Macomb Career & Technical Education Administrators Association Awards Ceremony.
Students Kameron Linington and Daniel Grimes have been honored with the Outstanding Students of the Year award. Both students are members of our SkillsUSA and Robotics team.
Each student is honored with award by exercising the CTE skills to an extent above all others and these boys have worked very hard to get where they are today.
Kameron Linington is a dedicated CTE student who exercises his abilities by creating props like Captain Americas shield, Thor’s Hammer, and Thor’s Helmet. Most of all Kameron excels in Fraser’s welding program as he has been welding for over three years where he uses skills as an outlet for his creativity.
Daniel Grimes is our second dedicated CTE student who specializes in both computer-aided and manual drafting. Daniel has even been able to display his skills via virtual schooling during his first year in drafting. Daniel while being an expert drafter is also the Lead Designer, Lead Electrician, and Lead Fabricator on Fraser robotics team.
Overall, We need to seriously congratulate Daniel and Kameron on there major accomplishments this year in our CTE program.