Boys Swim Team Destroys L’anse Cruese
January 22, 2014
Congratulations to the Boys swim team who defeated L’Anse Cruese on January 21st with a score of 125 to 50. Fraser started and finished strong earning first and second place in nearly every race. Jacob Klomp broke the 100 fly record from 1990 (Sean Peters). The fourth lane was the winning lane. The swimmers in the lane won nearly every race; however Fraser took second by a hair in the 500 yard free style. The cheers for teammates cut through the stuffy, warm, chlorine air at the Fraser pool. Cheers reappeared at the end of the meet when both teams huddled and chanted. Fraser Boys swim remains undefeated for the 2013-2014 season. The team competes against Romeo on Thursday, January 23rd at 6pm at the Fraser High School Pool.