Spring Sports or Snow Days?

The tennis team's schedule has been affected by Michigan's changing weather.
Photo credit: Madison Mitchell

The tennis team’s schedule has been affected by Michigan’s changing weather. Photo credit: Madison Mitchell

Madison Mitchell, Flash Editor

Spring sports have already begun for Fraser High School and other districts around us. These sports include baseball, softball, tennis, golf, and soccer. Students practice their hardest each day in order to prepare for the big games. Since these sports occur in the springtime, they are practiced and played outside. But has Michigan weather affected their schedules at all? It is the middle of April, and the weather has shifted from 70 degrees to below freezing within a matter of three days. Along with the dramatic temperature shift, we have also received more snow and cold, rainy days.

Mr. Gallina, a teacher and varsity tennis coach at Fraser, gave insight to how the weather has affected the tennis team’s schedule.

“We’ve had two scrimmages cancelled; we’ve had a Saturday tournament cancelled; and we had one dual meet with Lanse Creuse that was cancelled,” Coach Gallina said.

He also explained how many games and events the team gets in one season, showing that these cancellations really shortened the season.

Although the team has missed out on games and some practices, this does not stop each coach and player from working their hardest and being prepared for the games they are able to participate in. In order to avoid getting behind due to missed practices, the varsity team must give it their all during their practices. Some even stay after to catch up.

“The practices are probably a bigger deal than the matches… We’ve had other people stay after as they can,” Coach Gallina said.

Coach McCoy, the girls JV tennis coach at Fraser, explained that cancellations due to the weather this year and in previous years is nothing they hadn’t expected. Yet when it comes to working hard during practices, both Varsity and JV teams had the same idea.

Missing a practice never benefits the team. As a coach we want the players to have as much time practicing and playing as possible. The JV tennis team has worked hard in matches and practices to continue to improve,” Coach McCoy said.

Other school districts have been affected by the cruel weather as well. But when it comes to springtime in Michigan, athletes and coaches must be prepared and make the most of each minute of practices, games, and nice weather, which Fraser has definitely done.