Mark Hackel: The Politician
May 9, 2017
People in their community want a leader who can fix the areas problems and be leader when the people need them the most. Here in Macomb County the people have a leader than has and is doing everything he can to make sure that people will make Macomb their home and that man is Mark Hackel.
Mr.Hackel currently holds position as Macomb County executive but he never had a vision in politics. Mr.Hackel graduated from Sterling Heights High school and then got his Bachelor’s degree in criminal justice from Wayne State and got his masters degree in Public administration from Central Michigan. After college he was also trained in the FBI. Mark is the son of Mr. William Hackel who was the sheriff of Macomb County from 1977 through 2000. After his dad was sheriff, Mr. Hackel ran for sheriff and won.
Mr.Hackel assumed office on January 1st, 2001, and he left the position of sheriff on December 31st, 2010. Most people wonder why Mr. Hackel wanted to run for sheriff in the first place,
“ When I ran for sheriff, I ran for sheriff because because one of the people running for the office , we knew was a bad person, we didn’t want them running for the department. I was actually afraid to run for sheriff. I did it because if I don’t who else will…” Mr. Hackel said
Being a sheriff ain’t all it’s cracked up to be. Its far from the old western sheriff having a duel at high noon image most people have when they think of sheriff. During mark’s tenure he had to deal with the the investigation of Tara Grant, a murder case that would end gaining local and national attention. The verdict would be that her husband, Stephen Grant was guilty and was sentenced to 50-80 years in prison.
After his nine year run as being sheriff, Mr.Hackel decided to run for county executive. The day after he resigned as sheriff, he took office as the county executive on January 1st, 2011. It wasn’t smooth sailing in the beginning for mark taking over,
“ Coming here for the first two years was a challenge because now you are dealing with politics and certain politicians as opposed to police officers and the public,” Mr. Hackel said on coming over as county executive.

Once the bumps got out of the way for Mr. Hackel he wanted to appoint someone who would be in charge of the parks and recreation and to be on his board , but Mr. Hackel would soon come to find out he would make a mistake that he would regret
“ When I first got into office, I was given the opportunity to appoint somebody that I have passion for the parks and recreation and I appointed a guy named Tony Marrocco and It wasn’t a year later It was one of my biggest regrets because the guy held on to that responsibility for his own personal interests.” Mr. Hackel said on appointing Marrocco
After dealing with the Anthony Marrocco situation some people might wonder what the county executive of macomb thinks of the nation’s new commander in chief: Donald Trump. Of course there is a huge difference in power between the two but Mr. Hackel has his thoughts on him
“ I don’t like his style meaning his personality then again leadership takes on different personalities but in reality how does he handle himself in office,” Mr. Hackel said on Donald Trump.
Mr. Hackel is also not that worried about Trump because it won’t effect him .With Trump being the president and Mr. Hackel only being a county executive again the power is too far lopsided but there is one thing Mr.Hackel is considering doing and that is running for governor for state of Michigan. Mr.Hackel has considered running for governor multiple times. He considered running in 2010 and then in 2014. Will there be a Mark Hackel governor run in 2018? Mr. Hackel is strongly considering it,
“ If I run it’s not so much about winning the election it’s the direction you’re going to go if you win. So winning isn’t everything. The point being if you win what are you going to do? Once I get my mindset first that if I won I would know where I would go and what I would do then I would consider running for governor, but for now I’m too focused on what’s going on here right now” Mr. Hackel’s comments on running for governor.
From first starting out as the son of a sheriff, to then succeeding his own father in the same position in the same county. To then gaining national attention as a sheriff , then leaving and winning the county executive election. Mark Hackel is a true politician with hopes of running for governor, Mark hackel is a true politician that people want to step up in times of crisis.