A Life in Art

Senior Casey Bresso takes a picture to show off her skills with makeup.
February 22, 2017
Walking by the art room, students are in their own world of creativity, where the real world is shut out and it’s an escape from reality. A particular student whose life has been involved in art her entire life would be senior Casey Bresso.
Casey Bresso discovered her talent in art around the age four or five. Ever since her talent has improved and her drawings became more realistic.
“I discovered my passion for art when I was very young, probably four or five, but I didn’t get serious about it until about fifth grade. I was nine when I started doing realism work, and that’s when I decided I wanted to go into art as a career,” Casey said, “I originally learned to improve through observation (observing how shadow/light work with objects in life) and through looking at other people’s artwork. Looking at professionals’ work online always inspired me a lot to improve when I was younger. Now, using what I know through experience, I can critique my own work and improve in that way.”
With her entire life revolving around art, Casey also learned that she is really good with makeup. Putting on makeup is a work of art, just makeup doesn’t stay on forever. Casey learned to do her makeup with youtube tutorials and practice. Her makeup isn’t permanent, she takes her makeup off everyday, so when she does her makeup, it is fresh a something different.
“I learned to use makeup originally through YouTube tutorials in like, my freshman year. I learned basic makeup skills and then after that I used my own creativity to create different looks and worked to improve my skills on my own,” Casey said.
Many people learn to draw with mentors and have constant help. Casey learned how to draw on her own, with little help from others. As Casey stated above she learned how to draw and do her makeup through observing others and trying to do it on her own.
“ I have wonderful art teachers at Fraser, and they give me great advice and push me to be my best. However, I consider myself self-taught because I taught myself all the skills that I have, and I develop all of my own ideas and pieces on my own,” Casey said.
Art is a place for students escape and be themselves. Casey Bresso learned who she was through art, she learned how to express her creativity. The artists artwork shows a story and the artist chooses the story and the effect it will have in the person viewing it.
“Art means the world to me. I have no idea where I would be without art, and it’s undoubtedly my passion. I’ve met so many wonderful, kind, and creative people through doing what I do. Being an artist has taught me so much about self-expression, creativity, hard work, self-confidence, and so much more. I would never choose to do anything else,” Casey said.