High School’s Last Stretch
February 16, 2016
It is the last stretch in a high school student’s career: senior year. And with senior year comes the stress of getting the last credits needed to graduate and the stress of what there is to do before and after graduating.
This is a hard time for twelfth grade students because this is the time in their lives of becoming adults. This is the time of having to either move on with further schooling or to become part of the working community. Most of a high school student’s life is just schooling so it is difficult on a student to move on from a twelve year long daily routine onto a new routine of whatever is pursued after high school. With the 2015-2016 high school year halfway through, second semester is coming up, meaning all new stress coming with trying to pass new classes with the last few months before graduation to keep in mind.
“My schedule is pretty messed up right now, so I’m hoping to change it and get classes that I like, that way I hopefully won’t have to worry about nothing,” said Fraser High School senior, Megan Phillips.
What makes senior year more stressful than lower grade levels is the amount of pressure. Students are always questioning what the future holds and what the plan is for after graduation. It can become stressful for those who are struggling to make it to graduation and can be even harder to worry about the future also.
“The thing I’m most stressed about is having to worry about whether or not I’m going to even graduate, it sucks alot,” Phillips said.
Senior year is all about getting those last few credit for graduating and taking classes that they will enjoy.
“I’m not stressed about anything, this is my most peaceful year in school ever. Second semester is going to be a cakewalk,” said senior Connor Williams.
For some students, senior year is one of the best years of their entire schooling careers: they have received the classes they wanted and are all set for receiving their high school diploma.
“I’m excited that I’ll be that much closer to graduation. I’m excited that I finally have a photography class,” Williams said.
“College is pretty stressful, I’m really nervous about graduating, having to move onto new things, it’s all really strange,” said Brian Tyler, another Fraser High School student.
Things can get very stressful when thinking about college: there are expenses, living arrangements, courses, what to major in. It is a lot to take in and manage, surely a large life change happens after graduating, and there are many different paths other than college to take.
“I don’t have much of a plan for college right now; I’m just focusing on graduating,” Phillips said.
There are many opportunities after high school. After graduation, some students will move on to college; others will find different paths to go on. The last stretch of high school can be stressful, but high school is just one part of life, and the stress will be worth the rewards in the end.