Tiffany Houghton comes to Fraser
October 30, 2014
(See the full performance and Q&A at the bottom of this package)
By: Amber Monschau
Tiffany Houghton is an up-and-coming artist whose music lies on the borderline
of the genres of country and pop. Born in Dallas, Texas, she moved to Nashville, Tennessee at age seventeen to pursue her career as a singer. Tiffany visited Fraser High School as a part of her promotional tour, and she gave journalism students the opportunity to observe and participate in her performance.At the age of twenty, Tiffany has already recorded and released five songs. She performed three of those songs for the students. Before even beginning to sing, she took the time to comment on the school’s spirit week that was occurring: she admitted how happy she was that everyone was in their pajamas because it gave her an excuse to wear lounge clothes. Tiffany began her performance with the first song she ever recorded: “High”.
“This first song I want to sing for you guys is was my first single… it’s called ‘High’…. Hi!” Tiffany said.
At the conclusion of this song, Tiffany congratulated an audience member, Marcus Bowers, whom she saw dancing in his seat throughout her entire first song. “Sir, in the black shirt, what is your name?” “Marcus.” “Marcus?” “Yeah.” “Hey let’s give it up for Marcus, he was dancing that whole time!” She then invited him to stand up and dance during her second song commenting,
“Marcus, I’m waiting on your dance moves! Marcus, get up!”
Before beginning her second song, “Love Like That”, Tiffany educated the audience about her inspiration for writing it: an elderly couple on an airplane had demonstrated the type of love she felt every woman should have.
“I actually wrote this song on an airplane after seeing this, ugh, I mean the cutest old couple, like cuddling… with her little grey head of hair, and anyway, it’s too much,” Tiffany said.
Dancing and smiling, Tiffany sang through her second song before beginning her most audience engaging song.
“This is the result of someone not providing a love like that… And he’s like, well, I wish you the best like we can still be friends… and I’m like we are not friends, I do not wish you the best… this was my response,” Tiffany said.
Tiffany explains her motivation for writing the final song of her performance, “The Best”, as an answer to being hurt in a relationship. She does so by referring to her previously sung song, “Love Like That.”
“Alright Fraser High School,” Tiffany said, “the next time some, jerk, uses that line, this is what you say:”
“I hope your dreams turn into nightmares and you drown yourself in your tears
I hope you fall in love with a girl that breaks your heart” Tiffany sang.
Tiffany concluded her performance by giving her audience relationship advice through the chorus of her song.
By: Elizabeth Girard
The sights, the sounds, each teen eagerly waiting as they stared at the rising star who sat back stage. The crowd of adolescents was surprisingly calm, but once she emerged from behind the bright maroon covers the auditorium exploded. Both students and teachers cheered – clapping, yelling, and shouting. The spotlight directed at the pop star reflected nicely, allowing the stage to compliment her appearance instead of wash it out.
After her performance the Journalism 1 class invited Houghton into the classroom to answer a few questions in a round table interview.
She mentioned that when she was young she wanted to get to Tennessee so badly
that she would do almost anything; one of those things being finishing high school early to pursue her dream at a young age. Since Houghton finished her education early, even before senior year, that would mean she had finished high school at the age of sixteen or seventeen.
One of the students asked, “We know you finished high school early, how did you manage to do that and how did your parents react?”
“I fell in love with the city and the process of making music.” Houghton also added, “I told my parents, ‘I’m gonna move out–I’m gonna take summer classes, and I’m gonna go to school early and I’m gonna leave school late and I’m gonna finish before I’m a senior.’” Houghton said.
So not only is the early pop star an impressive singer, but an impressive student as well, solely because of her dedication to finish her high school career with flying colors. Houghton describes her music as story telling, and takes interest in country music; however most people consider her a pop star. Houghton wishes to be an inspiration and mentor for young girls, and so far she has done so.
Houghton’s performance was an overall joy to watch. From the single spot light shining down onto the rising star, to her voice ringing through the auditorium. She has perused her dream to become a star and show the world the kind of music that she wished to create.
concert & QA from FHSTheFlash on Vimeo.