Chronic absenteeism has been a major concern in Michigan schools since the pandemic started. However, recent data shows that schools across the state have made significant progress in reducing chronic absenteeism rates.
“Before COVID, attendance was a steady 90% in MI, reaching 94% in 2015 and 2016. However, during the 2021-22 school year, when the COVID-19 Omicron variant exploded across the community, attendance rates plummeted to 88%, and chronic absenteeism,” said Scott Levin, a reporter from mlive.
These statistics show us how bad attendance got when we switched to virtual. Chronic absenteeism rates rose as students struggled with remote learning, economic challenges, and other factors.
Despite these challenges, Michigan schools have made progress in addressing chronic absenteeism. In the most recent data available, chronic absenteeism rates in Michigan dropped to 16.5%, down from 18% the previous year.
This progress is due in part to efforts by schools, families, and communities to collaborate to support student attendance. Mr Baker, a Vice Principal at Fraser High School, told us what steps the High School takes when a student is chronically absent.
“Students with chronic absenteeism are subjected to the school’s policies regarding attendance and the loss of credit in a course” said Mr. Baker. Once they reach a certain number of absences (6), they are placed on a credit review contract. If they continue to accrue unexcused absences, they will lose credit for the course and must retake it.”

your attendance seriously is important for many reasons.
Regular attendance is crucial for academic success. Missing too many days of school can result in falling behind in coursework and struggling to catch up. Chronic absenteeism can also have long-term effects on a student’s educational progress and future opportunities.
Not only does your attendance affect you, but it also affects your teachers as well.
“When one of my students is chronically absent, it can take me awhile to get them caught up, which can lead to them also ending up focusing on the older material instead of the newer, which can lead to them falling behind even more,” said Mr. Westerhof, a teacher at Fraser High School.
Good attendance habits established during school can translate into good work habits in the future.