This week is SAT, M-Step, PSAT, and WorkKeys Testing. This Wednesday Juniors have the SAT and the Sophomores will take the PSAT. They will be dismissed at 11:45am and the Freshman and Seniors won’t have school that day. On Thursday Freshman will take the PSAT and Juniors will take the WorkKey Test. They will be dismissed at 11:10am and the Sophomores and Seniors won’t have school that day. Then on Monday there will be M-Step Testing for the Juniors. Don’t forget to bring a charged MacBook and a charger. You can also bring your own calculator for testing because there is limited supply in the testing rooms. Don’t forget to be on time. Testing will start at 7:30am. If you arrive late for your test and testing has already started you may be sent home.
Exam Reminder
April 8, 2024
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