Paul Cusumano show some love for The Flash on his snow day. Thanks Paul!
What did you do? Check out the photos from Courtney, Paul, Hailee, Madison, and Jacob.
Paul Cusumano show some love for The Flash on his snow day. Thanks Paul!Courtney Winnie with her MAB award for a PSA. She spent her snow day going to Lansing for the award ceremony.Photo Credit: Hailee SchwambHailee Schwamb stayed inside and got these snaps for The Flash of snow outside.Jacob Peraino stayed under the covers. Photo Credit: SelfiePhoto Credit: Madison NuoralaMadison Nuorala did not get the memo that all sporting practices were cancelled too.Soccer in the snow. Photo Credit: Madison NuoralaPaul Cusumano and his pup having fun in the yard. Photo Credit: Paul Cusumano (also know as a selfie)